Nicki Minaj photo credit: AllthingsNickiMinaj |
Nicki Minaj has never been one to suppress her thoughts; and recently she decided voice them on President Obama, and the healthcare administration. Nicki's frustration stemmed from the death of the late Yvette Wilson (Andell from the sitcom's Moesha and The Parker's). Apparently, Yvette Wilson's death did not come suddenly. The past few weeks proved to be very stressful and critical for the family of the late Yvette Wilson. In a desperate attempt to save her life, the family decided to raise money for her online, to cover her medical bills, and to pay for a kidney transplant. Nicki Minaj was instantly enraged, and decided to ask President Obama some questions about the government and the heatlhcare administration.
NecoleBitchie reports,
She tweeted:
And had to raise [insert dollar] for her MEDS—>> RT@sponfulofsass Oh no Yvette Wilson passed away from cancer tonight. God Bless her.((
Whats sad is that when Yvette was bringing home the bacon, the gov’t was probably taking millions. On her death bed tho, #Nowheretobefound.
RT @Nickk_maraj The fact that money had to be raised for her medical expenses when she obviously couldn’t prevent this
That should be a God given right! Even with Obama Care, too much That should be a God given right! Even with Obama Care, too much involved. Just give FREE health care to all. @barackobama What can we do?
@BarackObama I wouldn’t mind the millions they took if it was going to healthcare. Why should a poor person struggle to pay for MEDS sir.
I think Nicki Minaj is absolutely right, no person on their death bed should have to worry about healthcare expenses. However, my question is simple, if Hollywood knew about the family attempted to raise money why didn't some of her hollywood friends just pay the bill. Not pointing the finger but surely, they could've parted with a few thousands when they're all millionaires. I'm just stating the obvious. What's your take on Nicki's frustration with healthcare?
Related: Yvette Wilson (Andell from sitcoms Moesha and The Parker's ) dies at 48, Nicki Minaj Cancels Hot 97 Concert, Nicki Minaj Kisses Nas, Nicki Minaj Shares Her Thoughts On The Death Of Trayvon Martin
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