Wednesday, September 14, 2011

OMG! Swiss Beatz Is Caught Sexting....

What is it this week with the cheater's first Deion Sander's, now Swiss Beatz. According to, apparently, the newly married Swiss Beatz was caught sexting his new boo.

If your not familiar with just who Switz Beatz is, let me clue you in. Switz Beatz has just wed Alicia Keys and fathered her child. Now that I have retrieved  the actual chat I'm not so sure that he has is guilty of sexting.  The only thing I can see that he had done was chatted a little bit too much to be a so called married man. I don't know if he had been caught cheating but if he eventually does, I, for one, won't be shocked. It is still unclear to me whether or not he actually cheated on his first wife with Alicia Keys ijs. I wish the couple the best. For the most part here are some of the so called sext messages. In addition there is also video footage of Switz Beatz as he first meets this girl at Solanges Party. The young lady in question's name is Christina Elizabeth.

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