Friday, September 21, 2012

Chad Johnson Takes 100% Ownership For Headbutting Evelyn

Chad Johnson photo credit: HelloBeautiful
Chad Johnson is finally speaking out in an interview with "Inside The NFL". Apparently, Chad Johnson is attempting to better himself, and is on a new path to righteousness. Chad recently, conducted an honestly repelling interview, where he expressed his take on the domestic violennce situation that occured with his ex-wife, Evelyn Lozada. Chad expressed his sorrow, and also accepted full responsibility for headbutting his ex-wife Evelyn..

According to Cincyjungle,

When you get a humble Chad Johnson that has lost everything and has to work his way back up, that's a big deal. Because you're not getting that same individual, you're not getting that same fun guy. ... I gotta prove a point. That's the scariest thing in the world to have someone that has that drive.
"I'm taking classes, anger management classes," he said. "I'm trying to find out how can I channel my anger when I'm in situations to where I would pop off? How can I defuse those situations?"
"Where do I go from here, now that I think about it? I gotta work on Chad. Chad has to work on Chad. Chad has to go deep down inside and figure out where he went wrong. At what point did you lose focus on what's most important, especially the game of football?"

Must Read: Chad Johnson Refuses to Sign Divorce Papers

Check out  a clip from the Interview Below:

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